PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria, usia maksimum 33 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut dibidang Gedung bertingkat/Jalan & Jembatan/Irigasi/Ketenagaan/Hydro Power/Thermal, minimal 3 Tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 33 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut dibidang Gedung bertingkat/Jalan & Jembatan/Irigasi/Ketenagaan/Hydro Power/Thermal minimal 3 Tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman menghitung anggaran untuk tender Gedung bertingkat/Jalan & Jembatan/Irigasi/Ketenagaan minimal 5 Tahun
* Menguasai Standart Kontrak (FIDIC,JCT,ICE) dan Undang-Undang Jasa Konstruksi.
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman pelaksanaan pekerjaan sebagai Struktur Engineer minimal 3 Tahun
* Menguasai Program STAAD PRO / SAP2000/ETAB
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 35 tahun
* S1 Teknik Mesin dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan Power Plant (Hydro Power/Thermal) minimal 3 Tahun
* Pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Mechanical & Electrical, Pipeline/Pemipaan Oil & Gas
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan Menguasai Program: P & ID
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman mendesign dan menghitung konstruksi, volume, harga pada bangunan Gedung bertingkat/Jalan & Jembatan/Irigasi/Ketenagaan minimal 3 Tahun
* Menguasai Standart Kontrak (FIDIC,JCT,ICE) dan Undang-Undang Jasa Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut dibidang Gedung bertingkat/Jalan & Jembatan/Irigasi/Ketenagaan/Hydro Power/Thermal minimal 3 Tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Arab dan Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Health and Safety Project / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
Company Description
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Lingkungan dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Teknik Lingkungan / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* STM Bangunan /D3 Teknik Sipil
* Mampu mengoperasikan Program Autocad 2000 (sertifikat)
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Perpajakan dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Mempunyai Sertifikat Pajak Brivet A & B
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* STM Bangunan / SMA IPA / D3 Teknik Sipil
* Mampu menggunakan Alat Ukur Theodolit dan Water Pass (sertifikat)
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
Kirimkan CV, biodata lengkap & photo terbaru ke:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang, JAKARTA 13340
Fax : 021-850 8506
E-mail :
Job Career Vacancy opportunity indonesia and abroad.The best place to advance your career and information job indonesia and abroad.Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Lowongan Kerja 2008 Lowongan Kerja BUMN Lowongan Kerja Bank Lowongan Kerja CPNS Lowongan Pekerjaan Lamaran Kerja Karir Pekerjaan bagi pencari kerja di indonesia atau luar negeri, Tips dunia kerja, Beasiswa luar negeri international scholarship, beasiswa dalam negeri dll.
PT. Global Informasi Bermutu (GTV) was established in March 22nd, 1999. Since it first aired in October 8th 2001, GLOBAL TV has quickly positioned itself as the youngest, private, national coverage TV station in Indonesia targeted for young audience. In 2006, GLOBAL TV launched its new vision in becoming to concentrate on serving the young family from all social segments. The division of air time will be 8 hours of NICKELODEON programs, 8 hours of MTV programs and 8 hours of GLOBAL TV programs. Global TV is indirectly own by PT. Bimantara through PT. Media Nusantara Citra (MNC). More info about GTV please see our website at
Now we are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated people to join our team in some following positions:
Administration (ADM)
Female max 25 years old
Min. graduate from Diploma any discipline with GPA min 2,75
Good command in English, both in oral and written is an advantage
Min. 1 year experience in this field
Computer literate
Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic & pay attention to details
Possessing positive work attitudes
IT Networking (IT)
Male, age max. 27
D3 / S1 Majoring in Information System / Computer science, Fresh Graduate (with minimum GPA 3.0) are welcome
Able to operate Windows and Microsoft Office, base networking (TCP/IP) and server for windows
Communicative, able to work as a team player, have good interpersonal skill, willing to learn
* Willing to work on shift schedule
Research & Development (R&D)
Male/female (age max. 26 years old)
Diploma-3/Bachelor Statistic Department from reputable university
Good command in English, both in oral and written
Having min 1 year experience on the same field (fresh graduated are welcome)
Computer literate, Strong motivation and self confident
Having good sharp analysis
* Communicative, able to work as a team player and have good interpersonal skill
Satellite News Gathering (SNG)
Qualification :
• Minimum S1/D3 from Telecommunication/Electrical Engineering
• Minimum 1 years experience as microwave transmission planning engineer and has extensive exposure to various transmission network technology
• Understand basic principles of radio frequency
• Possess a good understanding of access network technology solutions
• Possess a good knowledge of detailed transmission network parameter planning
• Knowledge of microwave transmission planning tool such as Path loss
• Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic & pay attention to details
Send your application by E-mail to:
Now we are looking for a dynamic and highly motivated people to join our team in some following positions:
Administration (ADM)
Female max 25 years old
Min. graduate from Diploma any discipline with GPA min 2,75
Good command in English, both in oral and written is an advantage
Min. 1 year experience in this field
Computer literate
Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic & pay attention to details
Possessing positive work attitudes
IT Networking (IT)
Male, age max. 27
D3 / S1 Majoring in Information System / Computer science, Fresh Graduate (with minimum GPA 3.0) are welcome
Able to operate Windows and Microsoft Office, base networking (TCP/IP) and server for windows
Communicative, able to work as a team player, have good interpersonal skill, willing to learn
* Willing to work on shift schedule
Research & Development (R&D)
Male/female (age max. 26 years old)
Diploma-3/Bachelor Statistic Department from reputable university
Good command in English, both in oral and written
Having min 1 year experience on the same field (fresh graduated are welcome)
Computer literate, Strong motivation and self confident
Having good sharp analysis
* Communicative, able to work as a team player and have good interpersonal skill
Satellite News Gathering (SNG)
Qualification :
• Minimum S1/D3 from Telecommunication/Electrical Engineering
• Minimum 1 years experience as microwave transmission planning engineer and has extensive exposure to various transmission network technology
• Understand basic principles of radio frequency
• Possess a good understanding of access network technology solutions
• Possess a good knowledge of detailed transmission network parameter planning
• Knowledge of microwave transmission planning tool such as Path loss
• Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic & pay attention to details
Send your application by E-mail to:
Bank Akita adalah Bank Swasta Nasional yang sedang berkembang berkantor pusat di Jakarta membutuhkan seorang Pimpinan Cabang - Jakarta
Account Officer - Jakarta
- education min S1 in economy
- male / female age min 24 years
- experience min 2 years in marketing banking (funding/lending)
Pimpinan Cabang - Jakarta
* Pendidikan: minimal S1
* Usia minimal 30 tahun
* Pengalaman perbankan minimal 3 tahun ke atas sebagai Pimpinan Cabang atau Pimpinan Cabang Pembantu, memiliki pengalaman manajerial dan operasional perbankan lebih diutamakan
* Menguasai analisa, sistem & hukum perkreditan
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
* Memahami strategi pemasaran
* Analitis, inovatif dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Memiliki wawasan & relasi yang luas
* Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
* Bersedia bekerja dengan target
* Menguasai bahasa Mandarin lebih diutamakan
Hanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan foto terbaru ke :
Divisi SDM
Jl. Samanhudi No.17-19
Jakarta 10710
Account Officer - Jakarta
- education min S1 in economy
- male / female age min 24 years
- experience min 2 years in marketing banking (funding/lending)
Pimpinan Cabang - Jakarta
* Pendidikan: minimal S1
* Usia minimal 30 tahun
* Pengalaman perbankan minimal 3 tahun ke atas sebagai Pimpinan Cabang atau Pimpinan Cabang Pembantu, memiliki pengalaman manajerial dan operasional perbankan lebih diutamakan
* Menguasai analisa, sistem & hukum perkreditan
* Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
* Memahami strategi pemasaran
* Analitis, inovatif dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Memiliki wawasan & relasi yang luas
* Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
* Bersedia bekerja dengan target
* Menguasai bahasa Mandarin lebih diutamakan
Hanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan foto terbaru ke :
Divisi SDM
Jl. Samanhudi No.17-19
Jakarta 10710
Bank UOB Buana is a well established exchange bank since 1956. In coming years, we will pursue aggressive growth and needs several qualified individuals to fill this position :
Net Programmer (Code : ITG-Net)
Requirements :
1. S1 degree from reputable University , fresh graduates with minimum 3.0 GPA are welcome
2. Experienced 1-2 years with related position
3. Have good knowledge in web based system development and SQL database
4. Familiar with .Net Programming especially ASP & VB will be advantage
5. Have good communication skills
6. Good in English both written and spoken will be an advantage
7. Able to work in a team and/or able to lead a project.
Delphi Programmer (Code : ITG-Delphi)
Requirements :
1. S1 degree from reputable University , fresh graduates with minimum 3.0 GPA are welcome
2. Experienced 1-2 years in related position
3. Have knowledge in SQL database
4. Have good communication skills
5. Good in English both written and spoken will be an advantage
6. Able to work in a team and/or able to lead a project
7. Able to analyze user’s request and to prepare the software function
Send your CV and recent colorful photograph to
Net Programmer (Code : ITG-Net)
Requirements :
1. S1 degree from reputable University , fresh graduates with minimum 3.0 GPA are welcome
2. Experienced 1-2 years with related position
3. Have good knowledge in web based system development and SQL database
4. Familiar with .Net Programming especially ASP & VB will be advantage
5. Have good communication skills
6. Good in English both written and spoken will be an advantage
7. Able to work in a team and/or able to lead a project.
Delphi Programmer (Code : ITG-Delphi)
Requirements :
1. S1 degree from reputable University , fresh graduates with minimum 3.0 GPA are welcome
2. Experienced 1-2 years in related position
3. Have knowledge in SQL database
4. Have good communication skills
5. Good in English both written and spoken will be an advantage
6. Able to work in a team and/or able to lead a project
7. Able to analyze user’s request and to prepare the software function
Send your CV and recent colorful photograph to
PT.BANK LIPPO Tbk; lowongan kerja bank officer
Lippobank (LB) is a dynamic multinational Bank owned by Santubong Investments B. V., a company wholly owned by Khazanah Nasional Berhad. LB considers human resource as its most valuable asset, a critical core of the business. Our corporate objectives are to become the Bank of choice of our target segments and to attract, develop and retain the best banking talent. LB is now looking for highly qualified and dynamics candidates for:
Main Responsibilities :
1. Examine the completeness of all required documents in credit proposals submitted by branch office
2. Verify and validate all information in the credit proposals and its attachments based on procedures applied including requesting appraisal on the value of the collateral and field investigation (if necessary)
3. Evaluate the eligibility of credit proposals compared to credit and risk policies, including but not limited to the condition of the collateral
4. Provide recommendation to credit authority based on results of point 1 and 2 stated above, for the facilities authorized up to Credit Service Center Manager
Requirements :
1. Minimum Bachelor degree
2. Minimum 3 years experience in credit, with a minimum 2 years experience in credit analysis
3. Good analytical and conceptual thinking capability
4. Strong integrity in enforcing procedures
5. Computer literate (MS Excel and MS Words and Power Point)
6. Fluent in English both speaking and writing
Main Responsibilities :
1. Perform field investigation (to all related parties including third party) to potential debtor in terms of:
- Employment status in current company (for employee)
- Business activities and business conditions (for entrepreneur/company)
- Debtor residence
2. Perform field investigation (to all related parties) to proposed collateral:
- Proprietary rights (ownership) and any indications of possible dispute
- Physical condition, shape, location and region (environment)
- Owner’s involvement on the engagement of the collateral
3. Provide detailed reports based on field investigation which should be compared with related documentation and information within the credit proposal
Requirements :
1. Minimum Bachelor degree
2. Minimum 3 years experience in credit, with a minimum 2 years experience in credit analysis
3. Good analytical and conceptual thinking capability
4. Strong integrity in enforcing procedures
5. Computer literate (MS Excel and MS Words)
6. Fluent in English both speaking and writing
Main Responsibilities :
1. Prepare business plan and responsible to acquire new sales from new and existing customers that incorporate the full range of banking products and service (funding or lending) to achieve personal target
2. Develop, manage and coach Relationship Officer team to achieve target
Requirements :
1. Minimum bachelor degree
2. At least having 3 (three) years sales experience (funding and or lending), preferably in banking industry
3. Has good knowledge about banking product (funding and or lending)
4. Excellent managerial skill
5. Strong analytical thinking particularly in business analysis
6. Strong general knowledge (macro economics, business sector, international business, politics and regulation/general banking knowledge)
7. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill; act as trusted source for customer to give financial solution
8. Target Oriented and Customer Oriented
9. Has wide network
Interested applicants are requested to send their CV, complete with 1 ID picture, 4x6 cm. Please put bold mark stating the applied position on upper left corner of the application letter or on the "Subject" field of an email, addressed to :
Menara Asia 18th Floor, Boulevard Diponegoro 101, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang, 15810
e-mail :
Note :
All application forms will be treated as highly confidential. Only qualified applicants will be processed further.
Lippobank (LB) is a dynamic multinational Bank owned by Santubong Investments B. V., a company wholly owned by Khazanah Nasional Berhad. LB considers human resource as its most valuable asset, a critical core of the business. Our corporate objectives are to become the Bank of choice of our target segments and to attract, develop and retain the best banking talent. LB is now looking for highly qualified and dynamics candidates for:
Main Responsibilities :
1. Examine the completeness of all required documents in credit proposals submitted by branch office
2. Verify and validate all information in the credit proposals and its attachments based on procedures applied including requesting appraisal on the value of the collateral and field investigation (if necessary)
3. Evaluate the eligibility of credit proposals compared to credit and risk policies, including but not limited to the condition of the collateral
4. Provide recommendation to credit authority based on results of point 1 and 2 stated above, for the facilities authorized up to Credit Service Center Manager
Requirements :
1. Minimum Bachelor degree
2. Minimum 3 years experience in credit, with a minimum 2 years experience in credit analysis
3. Good analytical and conceptual thinking capability
4. Strong integrity in enforcing procedures
5. Computer literate (MS Excel and MS Words and Power Point)
6. Fluent in English both speaking and writing
Main Responsibilities :
1. Perform field investigation (to all related parties including third party) to potential debtor in terms of:
- Employment status in current company (for employee)
- Business activities and business conditions (for entrepreneur/company)
- Debtor residence
2. Perform field investigation (to all related parties) to proposed collateral:
- Proprietary rights (ownership) and any indications of possible dispute
- Physical condition, shape, location and region (environment)
- Owner’s involvement on the engagement of the collateral
3. Provide detailed reports based on field investigation which should be compared with related documentation and information within the credit proposal
Requirements :
1. Minimum Bachelor degree
2. Minimum 3 years experience in credit, with a minimum 2 years experience in credit analysis
3. Good analytical and conceptual thinking capability
4. Strong integrity in enforcing procedures
5. Computer literate (MS Excel and MS Words)
6. Fluent in English both speaking and writing
Main Responsibilities :
1. Prepare business plan and responsible to acquire new sales from new and existing customers that incorporate the full range of banking products and service (funding or lending) to achieve personal target
2. Develop, manage and coach Relationship Officer team to achieve target
Requirements :
1. Minimum bachelor degree
2. At least having 3 (three) years sales experience (funding and or lending), preferably in banking industry
3. Has good knowledge about banking product (funding and or lending)
4. Excellent managerial skill
5. Strong analytical thinking particularly in business analysis
6. Strong general knowledge (macro economics, business sector, international business, politics and regulation/general banking knowledge)
7. Excellent interpersonal and communication skill; act as trusted source for customer to give financial solution
8. Target Oriented and Customer Oriented
9. Has wide network
Interested applicants are requested to send their CV, complete with 1 ID picture, 4x6 cm. Please put bold mark stating the applied position on upper left corner of the application letter or on the "Subject" field of an email, addressed to :
Menara Asia 18th Floor, Boulevard Diponegoro 101, Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang, 15810
e-mail :
Note :
All application forms will be treated as highly confidential. Only qualified applicants will be processed further.
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