You already have a portfolio of talent, knowledge and experience. Now the challenge is to channel it all into a career that will make the most of everything you have to offer and propel you to the next level.
Join ConocoPhillips, and it can happen.
Ours is an environment that makes you excited to come to work every day. Such is the phenomenon when you're working in a team towards a collective goal. Yet your individual contributions are recognized and prized.
Here's what we can offer you: the global resources and depth of experience that will put your ideas in motion and your career on a fast track that can start as soon as now.
Our “Purpose and Values” are essential building blocks in the continued success of the company. Together, these ideas represent “The SPIRIT of Performance” and are an integral part of our search for greatness. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ConocoPhillips operates in more than 40 countries. The company has approximately 38,400 employees worldwide. ConocoPhillips is committed to setting the standard of excellence in everything we do. For more details on ConocoPhillips, career path, here
Compliance with all relevant safety regulations including COPI Core Values and Health, Safety and Environmental policies, and where applicable the asset Safety Case.
Attend and participate in safety meetings.
High safety responsibility to himself, co-workers, plant and associated equipment.
Follow plant safety emergency response procedures in event of an emergency.
Ensuring all Maintenance Procedures and Written Instructions are followed and adhered to.
Regular monitoring and inspection of the plant and process rotating and stationary equipment, including taking readings and reporting any discrepancies.
Carries out Condition Monitoring checks as directed.
Report in a timely manner any critical unsafe situations to the line Supervisor.
Provide leadership and technical guidance to contract personnel.
Provide comprehensive and accurate verbal / written handover at crew changes.
Follow Competency training Program, demonstrate competency at Mechanical level 1 standard.
Achieve set goals and personal development programs.
Correct Personal Protective Equipment is used when carrying out tasks.
Ensuring hand tools and equipment are in good safe working order.
Use experience and knowledge to investigate and rectify technical problems working mainly unsupervised, including working with Vendors.
D3 Mechanical Engineering.
Minimum 5-7 years experience in the chemical, oil, and gas related industry.
Time served Tradesman.
Experience in Mechanical Rotating Equipment maintenance.
Experienced with Gas Turbines, Compressors and Pumps.
Experienced in Conditioning Monitoring Programs.
Knowledge in HVAC systems.
Strong Safety and Environment awareness.
Ability to work on own initiative and within a team.
Ability to follow a plan, read and follows manuals, and asks for guidance when required.
Personal motivation and self learning ability.
Effective communicator at all levels, fluent in English oral and written.
Ability to give guidance to other mechanical personnel, assisting them through their levels of competency in the competency program.
Ability in developing maintenance procedures.
Compliance with all relevant safety regulations including COPI Core Values and Health, Safety and Environmental policies, and where applicable the asset Safety Case.
Attend and participate in safety meetings.
High safety responsibility to himself, co-workers, plant and associated equipment.
Follow plant safety emergency response procedures in event of an emergency.
Ensuring all Procedures and Written Instructions are followed and adhered to.
Report in a timely manner any loss of production capabilities related to instrumentation, and any critical unsafe situations to the line Supervisor.
Provide leadership and technical guidance to contract personnel.
Provide comprehensive and accurate verbal / written handover at crew changes.
Follow Competency training Program, demonstrate competency at Instrument level 2 standard.
Achieve set goals and personal development programs.
Correct Personal Protective Equipment is used when carrying out tasks.
Ensuring hand tools and test equipment are in good safe working order.
D3 Instrument Engineering or Electro.
Minimum 5 years operating in the chemical, oil, and gas related industry.
Time served tradesman.
Experience in Control Systems, PLC and Fire & Gas detection.
Experienced in calibrating test equipment.
Strong Safety and Environment awareness.
Ability to work on own initiative and within a team.
Personal motivation and self learning ability.
Effective communicator at all levels, fluent in English oral and written.
Ability to assist other newly appointed instrument technician in their competency and training program.
Compliance with all relevant safety regulations including COPI Core Values and Health, Safety and Environmental policies, and where applicable the asset Safety Case.
Attend and participate in safety meetings.
High safety responsibility to himself, co-workers, plant and associated equipment.
Follow plant safety emergency response procedures in event of an emergency.
Ensuring all Production Procedures and Written Instructions are followed and adhered to.
Regular monitoring of the plant and process equipment, including taking production readings and reporting any discrepancies.
Report in a timely manner any loss of production capabilities, and any critical unsafe situations to the line Supervisor.
Provide leadership and technical guidance to contract personnel.
Provide comprehensive and accurate verbal / written handover at shift and crew changes.
Follow Competency training Program, demonstrate competency at level 2 standard.
Achieve set goals and personal development programs.
Correct Personal Protective Equipment is used when carrying out tasks.
Ensuring hand tools and equipment are in good safe working order.
Give guidance and support to any new Field Operator recruits.
Take a proactive role in participating any improvements to safety and operating procedures.
D3 Chemical Engineering.
Minimum 5 years operating in the chemical, oil, and gas related industry.
Strong Safety and Environment awareness.
Ability to work on own initiative and within a team.
Personal motivation and self learning ability.
Effective communicator at all levels, fluent in English oral and written.
Ability in problem solving and decision making in process upsets.
Ability to assist in the training and development of new operator recruits.
Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply. Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV not later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement for
Job Career Vacancy opportunity indonesia and abroad.The best place to advance your career and information job indonesia and abroad.Informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Lowongan Kerja 2008 Lowongan Kerja BUMN Lowongan Kerja Bank Lowongan Kerja CPNS Lowongan Pekerjaan Lamaran Kerja Karir Pekerjaan bagi pencari kerja di indonesia atau luar negeri, Tips dunia kerja, Beasiswa luar negeri international scholarship, beasiswa dalam negeri dll.
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan
Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Lingkungan dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Teknik Lingkungan / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,7
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 33 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut dibidang Proyek Gedung bertingkat /Jalan minimal 3 Tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
* Pria usia maksimal 35 tahun
* S1 Teknik Mesin dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3,00
* Pengalamam dalam pelaksanaan Power Plant ( Hydro Power / Thermal ) minimal 3 tahun
* Pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaaan Mechanical & Electrical, Pipeline / Pemipaan Oil & Gas
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif & menguasai program : P & ID
* Pria usia maksimal 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka denganIPK minimal 3,00
* Pengalaman menghitung anggaran untuk tender Gedung Bertingkat / Jalan & Jembatan / Dermaga / Irigasi / Ketenagaan minimal 5 tahun
* Menguasai standart kontrak ( FIDC, JCT, ICE ) dan Undang-undang Jasa Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer ( MS. Offfice )
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 SKM dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut min 2 thn
* Memahami dan menguasai pembuatan rencana K3LM,dan pembuatan HIRADR,IAL
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Health and Safety Project / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 SKM dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut min 2 thn
* Memahami dan menguasai pembuatan rencana K3LM,dan pembuatan HIRADR,IAL
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Health and Safety Project / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3
* Menguasai manajemen biaya kontruksi, analisa manajemen pelaksanaan proyek
* Memahami administasi kontrak
* Mampu menyusun kontrak kontruksi dengan pihak ke 3
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
Kirimkan CV, biodata lengkap & photo terbaru ke:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang, JAKARTA 13340
Fax : 021-850 8506
E-mail :
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Lingkungan dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Teknik Lingkungan / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Akuntansi/Manajemen dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,7
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut minimal 3 tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Pria, usia maksimum 33 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Pengalaman pada jabatan tersebut dibidang Proyek Gedung bertingkat /Jalan minimal 3 Tahun
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
* Pria usia maksimal 35 tahun
* S1 Teknik Mesin dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3,00
* Pengalamam dalam pelaksanaan Power Plant ( Hydro Power / Thermal ) minimal 3 tahun
* Pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaaan Mechanical & Electrical, Pipeline / Pemipaan Oil & Gas
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif & menguasai program : P & ID
* Pria usia maksimal 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 Teknik sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka denganIPK minimal 3,00
* Pengalaman menghitung anggaran untuk tender Gedung Bertingkat / Jalan & Jembatan / Dermaga / Irigasi / Ketenagaan minimal 5 tahun
* Menguasai standart kontrak ( FIDC, JCT, ICE ) dan Undang-undang Jasa Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer ( MS. Offfice )
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 SKM dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut min 2 thn
* Memahami dan menguasai pembuatan rencana K3LM,dan pembuatan HIRADR,IAL
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Health and Safety Project / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 / S1 SKM dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3.00
* Diutamakan yang berpengalaman pada jabatan tersebut min 2 thn
* Memahami dan menguasai pembuatan rencana K3LM,dan pembuatan HIRADR,IAL
* Memiliki sertifikat Ahli dibidang Health and Safety Project / Konstruksi
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
* Pria, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* S1 Teknik Sipil dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 3
* Menguasai manajemen biaya kontruksi, analisa manajemen pelaksanaan proyek
* Memahami administasi kontrak
* Mampu menyusun kontrak kontruksi dengan pihak ke 3
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
* Mau ditempatkan diluar Jawa
Kirimkan CV, biodata lengkap & photo terbaru ke:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang, JAKARTA 13340
Fax : 021-850 8506
E-mail :
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
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