

Kami adalah perusahaan joint venture di bidang penjualan dan pelayanan purna jual produk Panasonic, saat ini membuka kesempatan bagi tenaga

profesional untuk mengisi posisi di divisi Baterei sebagai berikut:

Key Account Supervisor

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 34 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK minimum 2.75 (skala 4.0)
3. Berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang penjualan, terutama di bidang consumer goods
4. Mempunyai pengalaman supervisi jalur distribusi
5. Berdomisili di salah satu kota ini Jakarta, Makasar, Surabaya, Semarang
6. Menyukai tantangan, komunikatif, taktis, cekatan dan berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan
7. Mampu bekerja mandiri dengan supervisi minim
8. Memiliki SIM A / SIM C

Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap anda (CV, pasfoto terbaru, copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai) dan tuliskan kode posisi di sudut kiri atas amplop, paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan ini, kepada:

Human Resources Services

PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia

Jl. Dewi Sartika Cawang II

Jakarta Timur 13630


e-mail ke: ml_pgi_hrs_recruitment@id.panasonic.com


To support our Credit Policy, MIS & Scoring division, we are currently inviting talents who seeks for new challenges to apply for:

Credit MIS-Scoring Assistant Manager (CMIS)


* To construct & develop Consumer Risk MIS reporting (routine & ad hoc)
* To identify, analyze, and monitor product portfolio performance & risk, ensuring balance growth and profitability
* To provide inputs to senior management on possible actions according to portfolio quality condition


* Minimum S1 degree, preferably from informatics, statistics, mathematics, or economics
* Having minimum 1 year experience in Consumer Bank as MIS or Analyst
* Previous exposure in Risk, Credit, Collections and Scoring will be a valuable advantage
* Possess computer programming and database skills such as SAS or SQL
* Visual Basic, and MS Access programming would be advantage
* A self starter and able to work independently as well as collectively
* Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
* Minimum S1 degree, preferably from informatics, statistics, mathematics, or economics
* Having minimum 1 year experience in Consumer Bank as MIS or Analyst
* Previous exposure in Risk, Credit, Collections and Scoring will be a valuable advantage
* Possess computer programming and database skills such as SAS or SQL
* Visual Basic, and MS Access programming would be advantage
* A self starter and able to work independently as well as collectively
* Able to work under pressure and tight schedule

How to Apply
Interested candidates are welcome to send their comprehensive resume together with current photograph indicating CMIS in the subject line not later than 14 March 2008 to: Recruitment@bankbii.com
Cc: BUtomo@bankbii.com