

Sebuah Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional terkemuka, membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri :


Kualifikasi :
Pria usia maksimum 35 tahun

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk; LOWONGAN KERJA BANK

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992. Supported by the Indonesian Association of Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI) and a group of Moslem entrepreneurs, the founding of Bank Muamalat also won the support of the general public, evidenced by a Rp 84 billion pledge for the purchase of the Bank's shares on the date when the Articles of Association was signed. Thereafter, in a special meeting commemorating the founding at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, additional pledges from communities in West Java were raised to reach a total of Rp 106 billion.

Kami mengundang putra-putri terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan banking staff yang akan ditempatkan di Bank Muamalat Cabang pembantu Karawang.


Relationship Manager (RM)
Customer Service (CS)


Usia max 27 tahun
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