
PT.Cogindo DayaBersama (CDB); LOWONGAN KERJA APRIL 2012

PT. Cogindo DayaBersama (CDB) was officially established at 15 April 1998, headquartered in Jakarta, and started its operation in 1st July 1998. Since its establishment CDB has been growing to be a solid corporate and gaining high reputation and excellent track records in Indonesia electricity supply industry.

The sole share-holder of CDB is PT. Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of State Power Firm (PT. PLN), which is in charge in managing powers plants supplying Java and Bali Islands. This subsidiary is assigned to run the business of power plants and other interrelated. PT. Indonesia Power runs its operation through business units, namely Tanjung Priok, Suralaya, Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak & Grati dan Bali. Through its 8 business unit, PT. Indonesia Power in total producing the supply of 8.327 Mega watts, becoming the first largest power supplier in Indonesia.

PT COGINDO DAYABERSAMA, subsidiary of PT. INDONESIA POWER specializing in operations and maintenance of Power Plant, is seeking for highly motivated candidates who are professional, have integrity, a team-player, customer-oriented, and willing to be placed in Head Office for the following positions:


Main Responsibilities

Implement marketing plan and strategies include maintain customer relation and prospect new customer and conduct market surveys to increase revenue for the company.

Requirements :

Ages not more than 28 years old.
Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Electrical engineering / Chemical / Industry / Marketing with a minimum of 2 years at sales/marketing engineer.
Competency on marketing management, product knowledge, contract drafting, market research and competitor analysis.
Good communication skill, both written and verbal.
Good negotiating and interpersonal skill.
Commercial awareness for pricing and analyzing data.
Good Organizational skill.
Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Windows and Office applications.
Ability to work independently or team.
Aggressive, Good personality, Self-Confidence & Positive thinking.
Able to travel extensively and at short notice.
If you are interested in a career with the company business challenge in the energy industries, please send your CV and photograph not more than two weeks to email :

rekrutmen2@cogindo.co.id atau hrd_area@yahoo.com subject email :
“ [MS-WEB]-[Your Name] for Marketing Staff “


PT BARATA INDONESIA (Persero), a state owned company since 1971, was established from two Dutch companies, NV.Braat Machine Fabriek (established in 1901) and Machine Fabriek & Werf NV. Molen Fliet (established in 1920). PT BARATA INDONESIA (Persero), in its status as one of Indonesian Government owned which operates in foundry, manufacturing and EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) carries a pre-determined mission: To be an excellent company for equipment and industrial components in the global market

PT Barata Indonesia (Persero), state companies in the field of Manufacturing, EPC & Foundry, requiring employees to the business units in GRESIK & CILEGON for the position:

Untuk mendukung kemajuan perusahaan, manajemen mengundang profesional berdedikasi tinggi untuk bergabung sebagai :


Kualifikasi :

WNI, usia +/- 30 tahun
Pendidikan min S1 Akuntansi, IPK min 2.75 dari skala 4
Diutamakan berpengalaman 2-3 tahun di bidangnya
Memiliki integritas tinggi, pekerja keras, jujur, loyal, mampu bekerja sama dalam tim
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Barata Indonesia (Persero)
Persyaratan administrasi:
Surat lamaran lengkap & Daftar Riwayat Hidup
Pasfoto berwarna ukkuran 4X6 = 4 lembar
Fotokopi KTP & SKCK yang masih berlaku
Fotokopi ijazah & transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir instansi berwenang
Surat pengalaman kerja
Surat pernyataan bermaterai Rp 6.000, -
Pelamar harap melakukan registrasi online melalui website :


serta kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap secara conficential dengan mencantumkan kode di pojok kiri atas paling lambat 17 April 2012 ke :

Strategic Recruitment & Career Centre
Jl. Mayjend Sungkono Darmo Park 2 Blok 3, No. 19-20, Surabaya
Email : ers@jtanzilco.com

Seleksi menggunakan sistem gugur
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dipanggil dalam proses seleksi