
PT Bank Syariah Mandiri; 2 LOWONGAN KERJA BANK

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a bank, which provides depository and loan services. The bank is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism with the business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.

We need a proactive person who loves working with people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work and the results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy and self-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals to fill the position:

Untuk mengisi posisi :

1. Penaksir Gadai (PG)
2. Customer Service (CS)

Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

1. Pria dan Wanita (usia maksimal 27 tahun).
2. Lulusan D3 / S1 Universitas Negeri /Swasta.
3. Berpenampilan Menarik dan komunikatif.
4. Sehat Jasmani & Rohani (PG & CS)
5. Tinggi Badan min. 158 cm
6. Memiliki Relasi yang Luas
7. Dapat Bekerja Mandiri dan Team.
8. Jujur, Menyukai Kerja Keras dan Tantangan.
9. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman transaksi gadai (PG)
10. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman menaksir logam mulia, khususnya emas (PG).
11. Mampu mengoperasionalkan komputer.

Kirimkan surat lamaran via pos dengan melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup, pas photo 4 x 6 dan full body, copy Ijazah, no. Telp yang mudah dihubungi dan dokumen lainnya yang mendukung, ke :

Bagian Sumber Daya Insani
PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Cilacap
Jl. A. Yani No. 97 Cilacap
Telp. (0282) 531015.

Cantumkan kode jabatan yang dilamar pada sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran. Paling lambat tanggal 31 Maret 2012.


Established in 1979, Nutrifood manufactures and markets international-quality health foods and beverages under leading brands. Our brands are : Nutrisari, Tropicana Slim, L-Men, WRP, HiLo, and WRP Diet Center (WDC). Due our rapid growth, we invite dynamic professionals to grow with us, for these following position:


Adapun syarat-syaratnya adalah sbb:

Pria, Max usia 25 th
IPK min, 3,00
Siap berkerja shift
Bersedia ditempatkan di Cibitung (Pelatihan nya di PT. Nutrifood Indonesia , Bogor)
Untuk tempat psikotest akan kami laksanakan di kampus Politeknik Negeri Bandung
Bagi yang berminat silahkan registrasi ke:

Gd. P2T lantai 3

paling lambat tanggal 16 Maret 2012 Pukul 12.00

Lotte Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd; 4 LOWONGAN KERJA TERBARU

Lotte Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd (Lotte E&C) is a general contracting company engaged in construction of residential, commercial and infrastructure and industrial plant projects.The company executes projects through public aid based construction, development construction, build, operates and transfer and simple sub contract construction methods. The company carries out research and development in technology management, safety and hygiene management and environmental management. The company has operations in the Middle East, Russia, China, Japan, Vietnam, India and Uzbekistan. The company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.

Cost Controller
Jawa Barat


Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
Able to read and drawing mechanical drawing
Good written and spoken in English.
Min. 10 years experience in Plant or Factory Project
Site Office
Good interpersonal & communication skills
Self motivated and able to work in under pressure condition
Computer literate (Microsoft Office, Auto Cad is a must)

Piping Supervisor
Jawa Barat

Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
Able to read and drawing mechanical drawing
Good written and spoken in English.
Min. 10 years experience in Plant or Factory Project
Site Office
Good interpersonal & communication skills
Self motivated and able to work in under pressure condition
Computer literate (Microsoft Office, Auto Cad is a must)

Electrical Supervisor
Jawa Barat

Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
Able to read and drawing mechanical drawing
Good written and spoken in English.
Min. 10 years experience in Plant or Factory Project
Site Office
Good interpersonal & communication skills
Self motivated and able to work in under pressure condition
Computer literate (Microsoft Office, Auto Cad is a must)
Have strong leadership skills, proactive attitude, and be interested in performing trouble shooting and finding solutions and making improvements for the benefit of project.

Schedule Controller (Primavera, Ms. Project)
Jawa Barat

Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
Able to read and drawing mechanical drawing
Good written and spoken in English.
Min. 5 years experience in Plant or Factory Project
Site Office
Good interpersonal & communication skills
Self motivated and able to work in under pressure condition
Computer literate (Microsoft Office, Auto Cad is a must)
Electrical Engineer
Jawa Barat

Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering from reputable university
Able to read and drawing mechanical drawing
Good written and spoken in English.
Min. 10 years experience in Plant or Factory Project
Site Office
Good interpersonal & communication skills
Self motivated and able to work in under pressure condition
Computer literate (Microsoft Office, Auto Cad is a must)
Send your CV to : topos412@lottenc.com

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview