

Bank UOB Buana is a well established exchange bank since 1956. In coming years, we will pursue aggressive growth and needs several qualified individuals to fill this position :

Compensation & Benefits Officer (Code : HRS-CB)

This position is accountable for implementing and executing the corporate compensation & benefits policy especially in Employee Loan Program. This position shall have coordination with internal as well external parties on the process of the loan settlement. Integrity as well as sense of confidentiality is highly crucial.

1. Minimum bachelor degree in any major
2. At least 1 – 2 years working experience in Personnel Admin or Compensation & Benefits functions, preferably age under 30 years old
3. Highly articulate communicator with a pleasant personality.
4. High level of accountability and responsibility.
5. Detail oriented self starter with a “can do” attitude.
6. Computer Literate

Email to hrs.databank@uobbuana.com

Al least : 5 September 2008


Kesempatan Berkarir

Untuk mendukukung kinerja divisi Procurment & Premises, kami membutuhkan kandidat yang potensial sebagai

Payment Officer

Persyaratan umum:

§ Sarjana Ekonomi (S1) diutamakan dari jurusan Akuntansi IPK minimal 3.00
§ Umur maksimal 30 tahun

§ Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

§ Menguasai aplikasi Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point, dsb

§ Memahami prosedur perpajakan

§ Memiliki pengetahuan tentang analisa keuangan

§ Memahami prosedur operasional procurement & Premises

§ Memahami kebijakan & prosedur perbankan

Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

1. Melakukan verifikasi dokumen-dokumen tagihan dari pihak ketiga dengan mengacu pada kelayakan, validitas maupun ketentuan perpajakan sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procedure dan SLA (Service Level Agreement) yang telah ditentukan.

2. Melakukan pemeriksaan/perhitungan atas validitas tagihan dengan mengacu kepada agreement maupun Standard Operating Procedure.

3. Melakukan maintenance data base pembayaran (payment data base) secara periodik.

4. Melakukan komunikasi secara intensif dengan internal customer, external customer (rekanan) maupun pihak-pihak terkait dalam rangka proses pembayaran.

7. Melakukan monitoring, rekonsiliasi, analisa, pengendalian dan settlement terhadap pos-pos pendapatan, biaya, suspense account, prepaid expense, dll

8. Melakukan rekonsiliasi terhadap neraca dan laba/rugi

9. Memahami ketentuan-ketentuan perpajakan

10. Mampu mengelola dan mengendalikan biaya secara strategis (budget custodial) dimana setiap biaya yang timbul segera teridentifikasi sehingga control budget dapat dilakukan dengan baik.

Cara mengirimkan lamaran :

Kandidat yang memenuhi syarat dapat mengirimkan lamaran beserta dokumen pendukung dan foto terakhir ke Recruitment@bankbii.com cc Rsoelistyawati@bankbii.com;Gmulyawan@bankbii.com sebelum 13 September 2008.

PT.Indomobil Suzuki International; job career vacancy

As one of the largest multinational automotive company, we are seeking for talented and high caliber candidates who are looking for more challenges and better future to join as part our growth for the following positions :

Production Planning Inventory Control Staff (PP-S)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Male / Female, single, age 22-25 years old
* Hold D3/S1 majoring in Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Metallurgy, Automotive, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, Accounting, Business Administration
* With GPA min 2.75 from reputable university
* Familiar with Computer software (min. MS Office)
* Well proven in English communication skill ( spoken & written )
* Hardworking, teamwork, initiative and Able to work under pressure
* Good Personality and communication skills
* Posses cooperative and self assured characters, strong analytical background
* Having extensive experience in organization is an advantage

Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit your comprehensive resume and please put the position code as the subject to :

PT. Indomobil Suzuki International
Gedung Training Center TB1
Jl. P. Diponegoro Km 38,2
Tambun – Bekasi 17510
Email : recruitment@suzuki.co.id