
VARIOUS POSITION AT ConocoPhillips - Fresh Graduted

ConocoPhillips is an international, integrated oil and gas company. It is the third-largest integrated oil and gas company in the United States, and the largest refiner in the United States. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ConocoPhillips operates in more than 40 countries. We are recognized as the leading Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia based on
our safety performance, our contribution to the Indonesia economy, the returns to our investors, and the care of our employees and business partners.

Currently we are searching for Recent Graduates or in a final year of completing a bachelor/master degree to join our Business Apprentice and GRAD programs.

GRAD (Global Recruiting and Development) Program
GRAD is a worldwide upstream program to optimize global recruiting and early development of geoscientists and engineers. It is designed to meet current needs and future challenges of ConocoPhillips Business Units
worldwide. You will work with several different assignments in your first years, strengthening your skills with different types of significant projects, and selected GRAD participants may have the opportunity to work outside Indonesia for 12-18 months during their third to fifth years.


* Fresh graduates (bachelor/master) or new hires from industry with 3 years or less of industry experience
* Majoring in geophysics, geology, and engineering (industrial engineering is excluded)
* Fluent in English (oral and writing)
* Highly motivated, strong analytical skill and problem solving capabilities
* Have an outstanding performance such as GPA minimum 3.4 of 4.00 scale

How to Apply:

1. Send a blank email to COPIGRAD@conocophil lips.com to get our
automatic reply Application Form (excel format)
2. Send the completed Application Form and most recent photograph
with file named “YourName_Degree_ FacultyName_ UniversityName. xls”, with
GRAD_Degree_ FacultyName_ UniversityName in the email subject to the above
email address. For example, the file name: fitriarahayu_ S1_FT_UI. xls;
with email subject: GRAD_S1_FT_UI
3. Maximum file size is 300 KB. Exceeding files will be deleted instantly.

Business Apprentice Program

The program is highly competitive and lasts around 12 months. The scope covers ConocoPhillips Upstream (Exploration, Production & Transportation) operations and focuses on how our business meets the requirements of all Stakeholders (Investors, Employees, Customers, Vendors & local Communities) . In particular, the program provides the
Business Apprentices the opportunity to demonstrate the following positive characteristics: leadership, effective communication, commercial awareness, problem analysis, initiative, innovation and creativity, planning and organizing, personal and team skills.


* Fresh graduates or in a final year of completing a bachelor/master degree.
* Majoring in Management (Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Operation, Business Administration) , Accounting/Auditing /Tax, Economics, Communication/ Public Affairs, Occupational Safety, International Relations, Civil/Electrical/ Mechanical/ Material/ Industrial Engineering/ Supply Chain Management or Information Technology/Computer Science, Mathematics & Natural Science.
* Fluent in English (oral and writing)
* Highly motivated, strong analytical skill and problem solving capabilities
* Have an outstanding performance such as GPA minimum 3.4 of 4.00 scale

How to Apply:

1. Send a blank email to COPIApprenticeProgr am@conocophillip s.com
to get our automatic reply Application Form (excel format)
2. Send the completed Application Form and most recent photograph
with file named “YourName_Degree_ FacultyName_ UniversityName. xls”, with
BA_Degree_FacultyNa me_UniversityNam e in the email subject to the above
email address. For example, the file name: fitriarahayu_ S1_FE_UI. xls;
with email subject: BA_S1_FE_UI.
3. Maximum file size is 300 KB. Emails exceeds the maximum size
will be deleted instantly.

The latest date to submit Application Form for both programs is

7 days after the campus visit, at 17.00 pm WIB.

For further info about our company, visit www.conocophillips. com

For further detail about Business Apprentice and GRAD programs, we
invite you to come to our presentation on the following dates and

1. MMUI: 4 August 2007, 13:00-16:40 WIB; BRI Room, lt 3, MMUI Salemba
Jakarta. For registration/ Contact person: Esther (esther@mmui. edu
, 021-3103976)

2. UI Depok: 9 August 2007, 8:30-11:30 WIB; Auditorium FEUI, Depok.
For registration/ Contact person: Vina (CDC FEUI: 7272425)

3. UNSRI Palembang: 10 August 2007, 8:30-11:30 WIB; Aula Gedung D3 FE
Bukit Besar Palembang. For registration/ Contact person: (dian_eka61@yahoo. co.id > , 08127860724,
fax 0711-580964)

4. UGM Yogyakarta: 13 August 2007, 13:00-16:00 WIB; BRI Room, Gd. MSi ,
lt. 3, FE-UGM, Yogyakarta. For registration/ Contact person: Ibu Roryana
(eroryana@yahoo. com ; 0274-524607)

5. ITB: 20 August 2007, 13:30-16:30 WIB; Ruang Presentasi PCD GKU Timur
Lt. 2, ITB Bandung. For registration/ (cdc@itb.ac.id > , 022-2509177/ 2509162)

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