

- Dibutuhkan, seorang operator Image Setter, Syarat: - Berpengalaman di bidang Grafik Design minimal 2 tahun, - Menguasai Bahasa Inggris secara Lisan maupun Tulisan, - Dapat mempersiapkan file untuk di output ke Image setter, Plotter, CTP - Paham istilah-istilah dalam Percetakan - Mengetahui cara membuat PDF, postscript. Convert dan Transfer File - Berpengalaman dalam Layout, Imposisi Buku, Step & Repeat. - Menguasai Digital File seperti Quark Express, Page Maker, Illustrator, Indesign, Freehand, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Word. Dateline lamaran sampai dengan 10 Dec 2006 Kirimkan lamaran via email: Bachtiarkoderat@yahoo.com.au

- Forbes Healthier is Happier, Vacancy Secretary,Req: S1 Degree, Responsible, strong personality & leadership, good communication skills, Computer literate, English Fluently. Send your complete resume with recent photograph to: Ruko Mega Grosir Cempaka Mas Blok Q No.8 Cempaka Putih, Jakpus or by email to: rkp@forbes.co.id or come for a walk in interview on 14th Nov '06 (10am to 5pm)

- Dcr Bbrp Mkt u/memasarkan sera gam ke Perusahaan/Instansi.Ga ji+Komisi+Transport.Krmkan CV ke Jl.Pangkalan Jati V (Waru)no.42 RT 01/RW 05 Jaktim.13620 atau marketing@raschel.co.id

- Dealer Resmi spd mtr Honda m'cari Sales Counter:Wnt,min.D3,pnmpln mnrk, max.30th, pglmn min.2th di Dealer,b'sedia ditarget, dom.Depok Fas: Gj.Pokok, Insentif & Bonus. Krm lmrn ke: Jl.Siliwangi No.45A Depok (dpn RS. Hermina)

- Galeri seni mencari: sprvsr min D3 dan staff min SMA.kirim CV&photo ke galeri_artsphere@yahoo.com

- Dibutuhkan : 1.Kasir, 2.PPC, 3.QC (Teknik Kimia), 4.QA (Mengerti ISO9001); Syarat : 1.P/W, 2. Pendidikan min D3, 3. Pengalaman 1th dibidangnya. Lamaran via post : PT. Cable Tech, Delta Silicon Inds Park, Jl. Meranti I Blok L2-03, Lippo Cikarang-Bekasi 17530

- Bth Cpt STM sdrjt yg meng.Auto Cad Hitung RAB, Gbr 3 dimensi. Dtg lsg Ke Pt.Liman Bangun Utama Komp.Merdeka Plaza Jl.Merdeka no.92 Tng diut.Dom di Tangerang

- Sebuah TKIT Membth 1 Kepsek Syrt Usia Max 30Th, Penglmn Me- ngajar 2Th, Min.S1, Tdk Merokok, Berakhlak Islam. Krm Lam+CV+Tu lisan Konsep Pengemb Pend.Berka rakter Usia Dini Max 2Hal (Diketik Komputer)Krm Lam.Ke Sekr TKIT Jl.Dahlia V/9 Beji Timur Depok

- Dicr:Spa Therapist, mnrk & energik pglm min.1th, min.157cm, memiliki dasar massage & Body treatment. hrd_medspa@yahoo.com / Sms: 0818.06225.777 & 0856.7869.288

- Fashion Designer; wnt max.35th, S1 Fashion Designer,pglm min.1th (fresh grad are welcome to apply), mahir Adobe illustrator,Photoshop, Corel Draw,menguasai bhs Inggris min.pasif. Kirim lamaran lengkap & CV : megha@dadiprima.co.id (mhn disertakan dgn contoh² design yg pernah dibuat)

- Dicari:Marketing+Personalia,Pria, Min.D-3, Max.40 Thn, Pengalaman Min.3 Thn, Sim A. PT.Tunas Citra Garmindo Kp.Kedep Rt:01/21 No.3 Tlajung Udik Gn.Putri Bogor 16962

- Dicari sgr:StafQC dan Elektric,pria, single,S1 Kimia/Elektric, max.35th pglm 3th & mengerti prosedur ISO. Kirim: Lmr PoBox370 Bekasi 17037

- Bth Sgr Factory/Plant Manager S1 ,Pglmn Min.5Th,Controller/Audi tor S1,Pglmn Min 3th.Marketing u/Advertising S1,Pglmn Min 3Th, Lmrn Ke Po Box 57 Bekasi 17057

- Dicari Guru Privat SD/SMP/u/Lu lusan PTN,Pglmn,Honor Bagus,Ph. 5546150.Poris E.1000,Tangerang

- Butuh Design Struktur S1 Sipil SMS Ke: 70126074 / Email: bimbram@yahoo.com ;sblm 15 Nov

- English Teachers needed immediatelly, willing to be posted in Villa Nusa Indah, Tambun, Bumi Mutiara & Kuta Bumi (Tgr) Interested candidates please come in person to have a test within a week after this ad to ELP, Taman Narogong Indah A.14/4-5 Bks ph 820-6210, 8242-4872 or send appl Letter to the above address

- Dicari Guru SD (Wanita) Pengala man/Wibawa Lokasi Tangerang Hub.5472208/5474413

- Persh Pelayaran Bth Sgr Document Staff,P/W,S1-D4 Mnj Trans Laut/ Tt Niaga Pelayaran,Non/Pglmn bid. Shipping,Komputer/Internet,Ingg Fasih.Lmrn & CV Lkp Krm Ke:HRD Dept.PO BOX 2947 JKP 10029 Atau hrgashipping@yahoo.co.id (2 Mgg)

- Dibthkan Sgr Bag.Personalia & Umum, P/W,Max.30Th,S1 Segala Jrsn,Inggris,Komputer,Non/Pglmn. Lmrn & CV Lgkp Krm Ke HRD Dept. PO BOX 2947 JKP 10029 Atau hrgashipping@yahoo.co.id (2 Mgg)

- Prsh Pelayaran bth sgr Sr.Program- mer,S1 Kmptr Akunting/IT dr Univ terkemuka,min IPK 3.0,pglm 3-5th diPrsh Pelayaran,pengetahuan bid. Akuntansi,pglmUB Net,SQL Server ,Crystal Report,Inggris Fasih. Lamaran & CV Lengkap Ke HRD Dept.PO BOX 2947 JKP 10029 Atau hrgashipping@yahoo.co.id (2 Mgg)

- French Int'l School search a supervi sor,comp literate(word&xls)speak eng/fr. Contact:732314; eif_bali@ dps.globalxtreme.net

- Wardah Cosm. Mencari BA/ Pglmn, Mnrk/ T.min158/ ex BA/ SPG, u/ Tangerang/ CV bawa lsg, Rabu tgl 15/11 '06, Jam 9. ke Aula Kel. Sukasari Jln MT Haryono No.23 Tangerang, Telp 08158858744

- th: Peneliti bid.politik/HI. Syrt:S1 Ilmu Politik/HI (Fresh Graduate) Max.25th, Bhs.Ingg. Komp, Senang Menulis,Dinamis&Mandiri. Krm CV, Foto & Contoh tulisan ttg: Politik Indonesia atau HI ke: Lesperssi Jl.Kyai H.Moh.Naim II/2,Cipete Utr, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12150 / email: strategi@centrin.net.id

- Urgently Required!1.Sales Spv(SS) for Mc photocopy,max35yrs,minD3 2.Jr.Secretary (JrS),min D1 max 25 yrs;3.HRD Asst (HA),minD1 max28 yrs,min in HRD 1yrs comp literate, english both oral or written (SS, JrS,HA) Please send email to: leaa2005@hotmail.com,attch current Pic, salary expected,CV

- Dbthkn Project Spv u/Prshn Knsltn yg brgrk dibid.Event&Kntrktr. Pria, Pglm, Min. D3, 20-30 th, Pny Kndr, b'sdia bkrj lpng&shift.krm CV&foto ke maximus_ptmmk@yahoo.com

- Interior Firm looking for:1)Accoun ting,2)Project Exe,3) Project SPV, 4)ADM, Req: Female (1/4),male (2/3),S1 Accounting(1) SMU/D3 (1)Preffered from, architecture /technical(2/3)fluent in English(2) application to Jl.Raya Pegangsaan Dua Km.5 No.87 Kelapa Gading, Jkt-14250 or target@pacific.net.id

- Dibthkan Sgr Cooker/JuruMasak Korea Wnt Pglmn Min.5Thn ber sedia tinggal tetap di mes, Gaji Mnrk. Dtg Lsg PT. ILJO Ind Jl.Inti III Blok.C6/8 Kwsn Hyundai Lippo Cikarang Sriningsih 89901525

- Dicari sgr Acc Pajak wnt single max 30th,tggl wil Tng,ngerti Acc pajak PT&Komp:Excel,word,pglm dlm pajak.Lmr tulis tgn,foto 4x6 warna,min D3 pajak/Acc.Krm ke: Ibu Linna,Karawaci Office Park blok A.15-16 Lippo Krwc Tng15139

- Dibthkn sgr Acc,wnt,min:D3,pglmn di perusahaan trading,min3th,mgrti p'pjk/ ppn,psl21,badan,bs buat lap.keu,diutmkn dmsl di Tng,antar lmrn ke Ruko Imam Bonjol Blok A-17 Jl. Imam Bonjol/20, Tng/ fax: CV ke: 021-55768452

- Dibthkn: 1)Spv Acctg,wnt,30-35th, S1 Akt,Pglm min3th sbg Chief/Spv menguasai pajak; 2)Staff Acc,wnt/ pria, D3/S1 komputer akuntansi, pglm 1th dibdg akuntansi,bersedia lembur. Lmr krm:Jl.KH.Hasyim 125 Komp.Ruko Roxy Mas E2/31, Jak- Pus/Email: hrd@concept2tech.com



Persyaratan :
* Pria, single, maksimal 25 tahun.
* Mengetahui prosedur dan penangangan dokumen import, terutama import LCL konsolidasi (by sea / by air).
* Mempunyai pengetahuan produk dibidang impor (by sea / by air).
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan).
* Menguasai komputer, terutama untuk aplikasi MS. Office.
* Mampu bekerja secara maksimal, baik secara individu maupun tim.
* Mau bekerja keras, jujur, mempunyai visi & misi untuk maju.


Persyaratan :
* Pria atau wanita, maksimal 30 tahun.
* Mengetahui prosedur dan penanganan dokumen import (by sea / by air).
* Mempunyai pengetahuan produk dibidang impor (by sea / by air).
* Mengetahui cara penjualan jasa import, terutama import LCL konsolidasi (by sea / by air).
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan).
* Menguasai komputer, terutama untuk aplikasi MS. Office.
* Mampu bekerja secara maksimal, baik secara individu maupun tim.
* Mau bekerja keras, jujur, mempunyai visi & misi untuk maju.
* Mampu memenuhi target yang ditetapkan.

Catatan : Gaji menarik & insentif tinggi (mencapai 70%).

Atau kirim ke :



PT TUV International Indonesia is member of TÜV Rheinland Group, a global leader independent testing and assessment service. We invite applications for following position.

Telemarketer Trainee

You will be responsible for:
* Explain products or services and answer questions from customers.
* Obtain customer information such as name, address and enter additional information into computers.
* Record names, addresses, purchases, and reactions of prospects contacted.
* Answer telephone calls from potential customers who have been solicited through advertisements.
* Telephone or write letters to respond to correspondence from customers or to follow up initial sales contacts.
* Maintain records of contacts, accounts, and update orders.

* Female, single, with max. age 25 years old.
* Minimum D-1 from any major.
* Min. 1 years working experience in Telemarketing, sales activity or customer service. Fresh graduates are welcome.
* Fluent in English (spoken and written).
* Familiar with computer (MS. Office).
* Good interpersonal relation skills, good communication skills, initiative, hard working and self-motivated person.
* Able to work under pressure and able to work independently as well as in a team.

If you believe that you are suitable for this position. Please send the application with detailed CV and photograph latest on 20th of November 2006 to the following e-mail address:


Only short listed candidate will be contacted.


We are the specialist in manufacturing of inductive and automotive components located in Serpong, Tangerang. Due to our rapid expansion, we urgently required outstanding professionals who will be assured of challenging assignments to support our business growth.

QA Supervisor (QA)

* Male, age max. 30
* Holds min. Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering
* 2-3 years experience in similar position in electronic/automotive industry
* Preferably those who understand about test equipments
* Understand about SPC, MSA, FMEA would be advantage
* Preferably who understand about SPC, ISO 9001:200 & ISO TS 16949
* Computer literate in using MS office application
* Possess effective interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skill

Maintenance Supervisor (MS)

* Male, age max. 30
* Holds min. Bachelor degree in Electronic Engineering
* 2-3 years experience in similar position
* Preferably who understand about TPM
* Computer literate in using MS office application
* Possess effective interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skill

Production Supervisor (PS)

* Male, age max. 30
* Holds min. Diploma degree in Electronic Engineering
* 2-3 years experience in similar position in electronic/automotive industry
* Preferably who understand about SPC, ISO 9001:200 & ISO TS 16949
* Computer literate in using MS office application
* Possess effective interpersonal, analytical and problem solving skill

If your meet all the above qualifications, please send your application letter with recent photograph and detail resume to the address below not later than 24 November 2006.

PO BOX 167 BMD 15330


email to: recruitment@induktorindo.com


PT. Universalindo Citra Media dengan berbagai bidang usaha diantaranya properti mencari kandidat terbaik dan sesuai untuk posisi :

Manajemen Properti

* Pria, max. 45 tahun
* Pendidikan Min. S1 Jurusan Teknik Arsitek
* Min. pengalaman 10 tahun dalam manajemen properti (perumahan, apartemen dll.)
* Pengalaman dalam proyek investasi dan pengelolaan properti khususnya di wilayah JABODETABEK dan sekitarnya
* Fasih berbahasa Inggris dan menggunakan komputer

Tugas dan tanggung jawab
* Membuat studi kelayakan proyek properti
* Memberikan saran kepada Direksi untuk menciptakan peluang-peluang investasi dan bisnis properti, baik pada instansi Pemerintah dan Swasta
* Mengurus semua aspek legal untuk proyek properti
* Mengelola proyek properti
* Bekerjasama dan kordinasi dengan tim yang terkait dalam internal Perusahaan

General Administration Supervisor

* Wanita, usia max. 28 tahun
* Pendidikan Min. Akademi, D3/S1
* Min. pengalaman kerja 3 tahun
* Menguasai/mengerti Microsoft Office dan internet adalah keharusan
* Fasih berbahasa Inggris

Kepala Divisi Percetakan

General Requirements:
* Usia max. 40 tahun
* Pendidikan Min. S1
* Min. pengalaman 7 tahun di industri percetakan
* Min. 5 tahun pengalaman dalam penjualan dan pemasaran di industri percetakan
* Mempunyai pengalaman memimpin (min. 50 orang) min. 3 tahun
* Mempunyai jaringan pelanggan dan supplier di industri percetakan offset
* Menguasai /mengerti semua aspek teknis dalam industri percetakan offset, termasuk bahan,estimasi, design, setting dan produksi
* Menguasai/mengerti Microsoft Office adalah keharusan
* Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri

Sales Manager

General Requirements:
* Age max. 35 years old
* S1 degree preferable in Architecture or Design
* Strong leadership, strategic thinking with analytical mindset, achievement oriented, creative & innovative, able to work under pressure
* Excellent presentation skill, Computer literate
* Special interest in furniture materials, production and finishing
* Min. 5 years experience in Sales & Marketing area and having proven track record in managing Furniture & Interior Design products/projects
* Min. 5 years handling subordinate
* Good command of oral & written English
* Has own Vehicle

Please send your complete resume including your latest photograph to :

PT. Universalindo Citra Media
Komplek Jembatan Lima Permai
Jl. K.H. Moh. Mansyur 11 Blok : B-15
Jakarta Pusat 10140


PT GMT Indonesia is PMA Company (Mining Consultant) located in Jl. TB. Simatupang, South Jakarta invites highly motivated candidates to joint us as:
Mainly responsible to Secretary of Director, including handling incoming and outgoing call, filing, documenting, and other administrative work

Administration/Receptionist (Front Desk)

General Requirements:
* Female, max. 24 years old
* Experience min. 1 year, Fresh Graduate is welcome
* Min. D1 / D3 program in every major (secretarial background will be preferable)
* English literate (both active & passive)
* Computer literate (Ms-Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
* Able to use Internet
* Good communication & interpersonal relationship skill, detail oriented, pleasant personality
* Deep understanding in secretarial work and functions, well organizer, and able to work in routine and independent condition

Please send your application letter, recent resume & photograph (4x6), and all other document important to support your application,
not later than December 6th 2006 to: jobs@gmtindonesia.com